29 February 2016 to 1 March 2016
Europe/Zurich timezone

Available know-how for possible (p, gamma) and (alpha, gamma) calorimeter studies at Canfranc

Not scheduled


Alejandro ALGORA (IFIC (CSIC-Uni. Valencia))


The study of (p, gamma) and (alpha, gamma) reactions is fundamental for the understanding of many stellar nucleosynthesis processes. Conventionally several gamma detection techniques are used for measurements of radiative capture cross-sections. One possibility is the use of the activation technique. Other alternatives involve the direct detection of gamma rays emitted of the final nucleus during the irradiation with Ge detectors or using highly efficient calorimeter setups. For those studies gamma calorimeters can provide an excellent tool because the high detection efficiency. The group of Valencia has been using gamma calorimeters for beta decay studies in the last decades. In this talk the experience of the Valencia group in calorimeter studies and the possibilities they imply at Canfranc will be presented.


Alejandro ALGORA (IFIC (CSIC-Uni. Valencia))

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