New underground laboratory in Pyhäsalmi Mine – CallioLab

Not scheduled


Mrs Johanna Kutuniva (University of Oulu, Oulu Southern Institute)


Opportunities and possibilities on scientific experiments in the Pyhäsalmi Mine, Finland and the new underground laboratory (CallioLab) are presented. CallioLab is located in the Pyhäsalmi Mine, in central Finland. The Pyhäsalmi Mine is a copper and zinc mine being the oldest operating mine in Finland. The infrastructure of the site is excellent offering unique facilities and wealth of opportunities for a variety of scientific and commercial purposes. The deepest operational level is currently at the depth of 1430 meters (4000 m.w.e.). If the deepest site is not needed, there are several suitable locations also at higher levels up to shallow sites in the mine with already large caverns available. There are currently two experiments running in the lab in the field of astroparticle physics. The current situation in the CallioLab is briefly explained as well as the instructions for the open call process. We are looking for collaborations from different scientific fields showing interest in the potential of the CallioLab and which could possibly use the existing or new halls in the CallioLab for their experiments.


Mrs Johanna Kutuniva (University of Oulu, Oulu Southern Institute)


Dr Timo Enqvist (University of Oulu, Oulu Southern Institute) Dr Ville Isoherranen (University of Oulu, Oulu Southern Institute)

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