5–7 Feb 2024
Virtual @ King's College London
Europe/London timezone

Warm inflation with sphaleron heating

7 Feb 2024, 14:50
Virtual @ King's College London

Virtual @ King's College London

Theoretical Particle Physics and Cosmology, 7th floor, Strand Campus, King's College London


Kim Berghaus (California Institute of Technology)


Coupling an axion to pure Yang-Mills gauge bosons is a compelling setup for warm inflationary dynamics. The axion, a pseudo-Goldstone boson acting as the warm inflaton is protected from thermal corrections to its mass due by its approximate shift symmetry. Simultaneously, real time sphaleron processes due to the non-trivial topology of the gauge theory fuel particle production, leading to the phenomenon of sphaleron heating. The resulting thermal friction coefficient can be deduced from the sphaleron rate. I will discuss the mechanism of sphaleron heating in the context of warm inflation. In particular, I will examine how the presence of fermions charged under the SU(N) impact the sphaleron dynamics, and outline a path towards a viable warm inflation scenario with QCD sphaleron heating.

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