5–7 Feb 2024
Virtual @ King's College London
Europe/London timezone

The strong backreaction in axion inflation: a lattice study

6 Feb 2024, 11:40
Virtual @ King's College London

Virtual @ King's College London

Theoretical Particle Physics and Cosmology, 7th floor, Strand Campus, King's College London


Joanes Lizarraga (University of the Basque Country)


In this talk, I will address the issue of the strong backreaction regime in the abelian axion inflation scenario. I will review our latest work on lattice simulations of the model, where we present a complete framework to simulate this model. Our work demonstrates that inhomogeneities generated during the evolution at the latest stages of inflation are specially relevant to provide a correct description of the dynamics, and can also lead to a number of new relevant results. Therefore, I will provide a detailed description of the strong backreaction regime and I will compare our results with previous spatially homogeneous semi-analytical studies.

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