8 April 2016
The University of Huddersfield
Europe/Zurich timezone

Contribution List

13 / 13
John Womersley (RAL)
08/04/2016, 11:00
08/04/2016, 11:30
Richard Walker
08/04/2016, 11:45
Prof. Jim Clarke (STFC)
08/04/2016, 12:15
Robert Barrie Appleby (University of Manchester (GB))
08/04/2016, 12:45
08/04/2016, 13:15
riccardo bartolini (Diamond Light Source and John Adams Institute)
08/04/2016, 14:00
Roman Walczak (University of Oxford)
08/04/2016, 14:30
John Thomason
08/04/2016, 15:00
Mike Poole (STFC)
08/04/2016, 15:30
Roger Barlow (University of Huddersfield (GB))
08/04/2016, 16:00
Ranald Mackay
08/04/2016, 16:30

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