With the ambition to maintain competitiveness of European accelerator-based research infrastructures, the Horizon Europe project Innovate for Sustainable Accelerating Systems (iSAS) has been approved. Within total 17 academic and industrial partners, the objective of iSAS is to develop, prototype and validate new impactful energy-saving technologies so that SRF accelerators use significantly less energy while providing the same, or even improved, performance. Aligned with the European accelerator R&D roadmap, the project focusses on three key technology areas connected to SRF cryomodules: the generation and efficient use of RF power, the improved cryogenic efficiency to operate superconductive cavities and optimal beam-energy recovery. The most promising and impactful technologies will be further developed to increase their TRL and facilitate their integration into cryomodules at existing research infrastructures and/or in the design of future accelerators.