10–12 Jun 2024
Europe/Zurich timezone
Stay tuned for the announcement of the next Sustainable HEP workshop!

"Green” use of fluorocarbons in Cherenkov detectors and detector cooling systems - challenges and opportunities.

10 Jun 2024, 16:51



Gregory Hallewell (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))


Saturated fluorocarbons (SFCs: CnF(2n+2) ) are chosen for their optical properties as Cherenkov radiators, with C4F10 and CF4 used at CERN in the COMPASS and LHCb RICH detectors. Non-conductivity, non-flammability and radiation resistance also make SFCs ideal coolants: C6F14 liquid cooling is used in all LHC experiments, while C3F8 is used for the evaporative cooling of TOTEM and the ATLAS silicon tracker. These fluids, however, have high GWPs (5000–10000*CO2), and represented around 36% of CERN’s CO2-equivalent emissions in 2018. There is thus an impetus to reduce their use through improved monitoring and circulation system design.
Newer spur-oxygenated fluoro-ketones, for example from the 3M NOVEC® range, with CnF2nO structures, can offer similar performance to SFCs with but with very low, or zero GWP. Although these fluids do not yet exist in large quantities over the full CnF2n “matrix” the radiation tolerance and thermal performance of NOVEC 649 (C6F12O) was sufficiently promising for it to be chosen as a C6F14 replacement for cooling silicon photomultipliers. Additionally, subject to optical testing, NOVEC 5110 (C5F10O) could (if blended with nitrogen) replace both C4F10 and CF4 in Cherenkov detectors. Lighter molecules (for example C2F4O, with similar thermodynamics to C2F6) - if and when available in industrial quantities—might allow lower temperature operation than evaporative CO2 in future silicon trackers operated at very high luminosity.
Ultrasonic gas mixture analysis is very sensitive to concentration changes of a heavy vapour in a light carrier, and is used - in the only such fluorocarbon coolant leak monitoring system operating at LHC - for real-time monitoring of C3F8 coolant leaks from the ATLAS pixel and SCT silicon trackers into their nitrogen-flushed environmental volumes. A typical C3F8 sensitivity of better than 10−5 is achieved.
Advanced new ultrasonic algorithms allow measurement of the concentrations of a pair of gases of particular interest on top of a varying known baseline of other gases. The technique is thus of considerable value in leak monitoring and could be used to blend fluoro-ketones with nitrogen or argon to reduce the GWP “load” of large volume atmospheric pressure gas Cherenkov radiators without the recourse to higher-pressure noble gas approaches.
This presentation outlines an approach to GWP reduction with fluoro-ketone fluids and the blending of heritage SFCs or fluoro-ketones with lighter gases using ultrasonic monitoring and control. Possible avenues for the use of fluoro-ketones in liquid phase and evaporative cooling of silicon trackers are discussed.


Gregory Hallewell (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))

Presentation materials