10–12 Jun 2024
Europe/Zurich timezone
Stay tuned for the announcement of the next Sustainable HEP workshop!

The Psychology behind Sustainable Energy Transitions

11 Jun 2024, 15:15



Dr Thijs Bouman (University of Groningen)


Whereas Energy and Energy Transitions are typically approached from a Technological Science and Physics perspective, it is increasingly acknowledged that these topics have a very strong Social Science component as well. For instance, in many cases developments in energy and energy transitions have consequences for people and society, and people's perceptions of these developments have a substantial impact on the implementation, adoption and use of energy sources and technologies. In addition, many developments require people to change as well, such as using energy differently or at different times, or even involving them in the energy production and storage. In his talk, Bouman will briefly present the field of Environmental Psychology and its relevance for energy research. He will share some key insights from the field and how these could be incorporated in your work.

Presentation materials