Only one supernova neutrino burst has ever been detected, and the detection of additional neutrinos from galactic core-collapse supernovae are expected to provide insight on the supernova explosion mechanism. One candidate for detecting supernova neutrinos is SNO+, a multipurpose ultra-low background particle detector. Within SNO+, a galactic supernova neutrino burst is expected to generate an...
A solid state detector (CCDs as DAMIC-CONNIE) in the deep ocean is proposed for an energy scale of MeV neutrinos. An instrument designed to be portable and operate in the depths can perform unique measurements of geo and supernova neutrinos, becoming the ultimate geoneutrino detector. Taking into account the positions of the detectors that form the SNEWS it was determined which would be the...
The Helium and Lead Observatory 1 Kiloton (HALO- 1kT) is a lead-based detector to study electron neutrinos emitted in supernova events. It is proposed to follow the same-purpose lesser sensitive HALO detector located at SNOLAB, Ontario, Canada. The sensitive to electron neutrinos make HALO-1kT (and also the current HALO detector)) unique in the sense that all other detectors with capability to...
The LIGO and Virgo gravitational-wave (GW) detectors confidently detected eleven GW signals during their first two observing runs, from 2015 to 2017. Ten of these were binary black hole mergers, with total system masses ranging from about 18 to 85 solar masses. The remaining event was the spectacular binary neutron star merger GW170817, which was accompanied by a short-hard gamma-ray burst, a...
A new era of multi-messenger astronomy has arrived with the detection of
gravitational waves and high-energy astrophysical neutrinos. The successful
coordination of near real-time follow-up campaigns by multi-wavelength and
multi-messenger instruments of those events have largely extended our
understanding of the most violent phenomena in the Universe. The Jiangmen
Underground Neutrino...
Detectors around the world are poised to measure the neutrino flux from the next galactic core-collapse supernova in unprecedented detail and to shed light on the hitherto poorly-understood dynamics involved in these explosions, and on the nature of the neutrinos themselves. The utility of such an observation is enhanced as the diversity of detectors and neutrino flavor sensitivity increases....
Coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering (CEvNS) is a neutral-current process in which a neutrino scatters off an entire nucleus, depositing a tiny recoil energy. The process is important in core-collapse supernovae and also presents an opportunity for detection of a burst of core-collapse supernova neutrinos in low-threshold detectors designed for dark matter detection. This talk will...
In the late stages of nuclear burning for massive stars, the pair production of neutrinos from positron-electron annihilation becomes a significant source of neutrino flux and therefore cooling. As the star evolves, the energy of these neutrinos increases and in the days preceding the supernova a significant fraction exceed the threshold for inverse beta decay. This is the golden channel for...
Predictions of the irregularity in the 11 year heartbeat of the sun due to asynchronous of the two layered dynamo effect would result in mini ice age as in the Maunder minimum. The onset of this event is expected in the beginning of 25th solar cycle and would go to its maximum in the 26th solar cycle . The minimum temperature is expected in 2028 due to the fall of solar activity by 60 % termed...
The XENONnT experiment, which is projected to begin operation by early 2020 at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso (LNGS), is a double-phase Time Projection Chamber with a 6 tonne liquid xenon target. Although primarily developed to detect Weakly Interactive Massive Particles (WIMPs) that scatter of xenon nuclei, the detector will also be sensitive to neutrinos coming from a supernova...
The nEXO experiment is a proposed neutrino-less double beta decay (0$\nu\beta\beta$) search in the isotope Xe-136 anticipated to be located at SNOLAB. nEXO’s stringent low-background requirements necessitate a water shield in order to reduce contributions from external radiation. Photomultiplier tubes inside the water will also measure Cherenkov light of passing muons; this active shield is...
One of the possible scenarios of the multimessenger astronomical studies is the joint search for gravitational wave and low energy neutrino signals from core-collapse supernovae. This activity is pushing forward by the intercollaboration community called the GWNU group. The network includes six neutrino detectors and three gravitational wave observatories. The research is based on two...