Preliminary Design of Readout Electronics for CDEX-10 in CJPL

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Alumni Hall

Alumni Hall

Poster Dark Matter Poster Session


Dr Xue Tao (Tsinghua University)


CDEX (China Dark Matter Experiment) is now upgraded to about 10Kg HPGe (High Purity Germanium) detectors and the new suitable dedicated readout electronics is on demand. The readout system is interfaced to the front preamplifiers, which has three “slow” outputs with typical 20uS shaping time and one “fast” output with typical 200nS shaping time. The 8 channels 14-Bits 100MSPS FADC and 2 channels 12-Bits 2000MSPS FADC are embedded in the readout 6U prototype board. The RAIN1000Z2 readout module based on ZYNQ SoC is used for readout with Gigabit Ethernet. The preliminary design’s details will be illustrated.


Dr Xue Tao (Tsinghua University) Prof. Li Jianmin (Tsinghua University) Prof. Kang Kejun (Tsinghua University) Prof. Li Yuanjing (Tsinghua University) Prof. Li Yulan (Tsinghua University) Dr Zeng Zhi (Tsinghua University) Dr Ma Hao (Tsinghua University)

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