Neutrino spin and spin-flavour procession in transversally moving or polarized matter and arbitrary constant magnetic field

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Alumni Hall

Alumni Hall

Poster Neutrinos Poster Session


Mr Artem Popov (master's degree student at Department of Theoretical Physics of Moscow State University)Mr Pavel Pustoshny (master's degree student at Department of Theoretical Physics of Moscow State University)


It was shown for the first time in [1] that neutrino spin (or spin-flavor) precession can be engendered not only by neutrino interaction with the transversal magnetic field but also by neutrino interaction with matter in the case when there is a transversal matter current or matter polarization. The generalized Bargmann-Michel-Telegdi equation [2-4] for description of the neutrino spin evolution in moving matter was used in [1].
Recently the effect of neutrino spin precession in transversally moving matter
has attracted reasonable interest within studies of neutrino fluxes from supernovae [5-8]. In [9] we have demonstrated a consistent derivation of the effect of the neutrino spin and spin-flavor oscillations in the transversal matter currents based on the direct calculation of the neutrino evolution effective Hamiltonian. In the proposed presentation we continue this line and present a regroups derivation of neutrino spin and spin-flavor evolution effective Hamiltonians accounting for effects of neutrino vacuum mixing, neutrino mass states interaction with a constant magnetic field (the transversal and longitudinal components) with a particular focus on effects of neutrino flavour interactions with matter transversal and longitudinal currents. The neutrino spin and spin-flavor oscillation probabilities are obtained for different cases that are of interest for astrophysical applications.

[1] A. Studenikin, Neutrinos in electromagnetic fields and moving media, Phys. Atom. Nucl. 67 (2004) 993.

[2] A.Egorov, A.Lobanov, A.Studenikin, Neutrino oscillations in electromagnetic fields, Phys.Lett. B491 (2000) 137.

[3] A.Lobanov, A.Studenikin, Neutrino oscillations in moving and polarized matter under the influence of electromagnetic fields, Phys.Lett. B515 (2001) 94.

[4] A. Studenikin, Neutrino spin and spin-flavour oscillations in transversally moving or polarized matter, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 718 (2016) 062076; arXiv: 1610.06563.

[5] V.Cirigliano, G.Fuller, A.Vlasenko, A new spin on neutrino quantum kinetics, Phys. Lett. B 747 (2015) 27;

[6] J. Serreau, C.Volpe, Neutrino-antineutrino correlations in dense anisotropic media, Phys.Rev.D 90 (2014) 1255040;

[7] A.Kartavtsev, G.Raffelt and H.Vogel, Neutrino propagation in media: Flavor, helicity and pair correlations, Phys. Rev. D 91 (2015) 125020;

[8] A.Dobrynina, A. Kartavtsev and G. Raffelt, helicity oscillations of Dirac and majorana neutrinos, Phys. Rev. D 93 (2016) 125030.

[9] A. Studenikin, From neutrino electromagnetic interactions to spin
oscillations in transversal matter currents, PoS (NOW2016) 070.


Mr Artem Popov (master's degree student at Department of Theoretical Physics of Moscow State University)


Mr Pavel Pustoshny (master's degree student at Department of Theoretical Physics of Moscow State University) Prof. Alexander Studenikin (Department of Theoretical Physics, Moscow State University and JINR-Dubna)

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