William Axel Leight
(Carleton University (CA))
Planned upgrades to the LHC will significantly increase its luminosity, leading to large increases in particle flux which will pose a challenge for the ATLAS detector. Phase-1 upgrades, to be installed during the upcoming Long Shutdown 2 during 2018 and 2019, will both enhance the ATLAS trigger system to handle these higher luminosities without damaging physics performance as well as improving muon track reconstruction in the forward region. Phase-2 upgrades, to be in place for the High Luminosity LHC, starting in 2024, will involve further enhancements to the trigger, as well as a full replacement of the Inner Detector and and possibly the forward LAr calorimeter. I will describe the ATLAS upgrade plan with a focus on ATLAS Canada's involvement, in particular on already-in-progress Phase-1 upgrades to the forward muon spectrometer and the LAr calorimeter but also touching on potential involvement in Phase-2 upgrades to the Inner Detector and LAr calorimeter.
William Axel Leight
(Carleton University (CA))