Alexandre Koustov
Polar cap flow pattern and intensity depend on the IMF Bz and By components. For IMF Bz<0, the pattern is consistently two-celled, and previous studies indicate that flows are fastest near noon and midnight for By<0 and during afternoon-dusk hours for By>0. In this study, we investigate the polar cap flow intensity in two ways. First we consider highly-averaged (over each month of observations in 2007-2013) convection patterns inferred from all SuperDARN radar measurements and discuss typical configurations of the polar cap region with enhanced flows, depending on the IMF By, with a focus on the dusk-dawn asymmetry. We demonstrate seasonal and perhaps solar cycle changes in the asymmetry. We then consider 2 years of Clyde River radar data on the azimuthal component of the flow and show the asymmetry observed directly. We discuss the complexity of the phenomenon in contrast to the more firm conclusions of previous studies.
Robyn Fiori
Zahra Abooali zadeh
(U of Saskatchewan)