Michael Landry
(LIGO Hanford Observatory/Caltech)
Gravitational waves are distortions in the metric of space-time, the detection of which would provide key information on strong gravity and the astrophysical systems that produce them: supernovae, spinning compact stars, and the coalescence of compact binary systems (CBCs).
LIGO is a gravitational wave observatory composed to two 4km interferometric detectors separated by 3000km, in Hanford WA and Livingston LA. These second-generation interferometers were recently installed, light resonated in coupled cavities, and noise-reduction and stabilization experiments made to ready them for observations. In September 2015, we anticipate the first of a series of multi-month observation runs at increasing sensitivity, in which we expect to first detect gravitational waves, and then begin a phase of regular observations.
One promising candidate for first detection is that of compact binary coalescences, or CBCs. In this talk, we will review both i) the status of the instrument, and ii) the methods and prospects for detection of compact binaries such as pairs of neutrons stars, pairs of black holes, or one of each.
Michael Landry
(LIGO Hanford Observatory/Caltech)