19 May 2017
Pevensey 1A6
Europe/London timezone

As you are all aware the government is proving significant opportunities for supporting research that is focussed on solving global challenges in developing countries in the Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF).  The University provides a very valuable information resource for GCRF.

As part of the University’s plan to make the best of these opportunities Sussex Research, within the Annual Thematic Programme, have allocated funds for exploring how the Data Intensive Science Centre at University of Sussex, DISCUS, can contribute to GCRF opportunities. 

The aims of this meeting are

1. New networks established across discipline boundaries

2. Identification of fruitful areas for new research projects or enhancements of existing projects

3. Definition of specific topics for sandpit events to refine topics for funding applications or other development

4. Topics for hack-days

Pevensey 1A6
The call for abstracts is open
You can submit an abstract for reviewing.
Registration for this event is currently open.