The noise produced by the inspiral of millions of white dwarf binaries in the Milky Way may pose a threat to one of the main goals of the space-based LISA mission: the detection of massive black hole binary mergers. We present a novel study for reconstruction of merger waveforms in the presence of Galactic confusion noise using dictionary learning. We discuss the limitations of untangling signals from binaries with total mass from $10^2 M_⊙$ to $10^4 M_⊙$. Our method proves extremely successful for binaries with total mass greater than ∼$3×10^3 M_⊙$ up to redshift 3 in conservative scenarios, and up to redshift 7.5 in optimistic scenarios. In addition, consistently good waveform reconstruction of merger events is found if the signal-to-noise ratio is approximately 5 or greater.