23 May 2023
Europe/London timezone

Spinning primordial black holes in a matter dominated universe

23 May 2023, 13:45


Interest in primordial black holes (PBHs) has spiked since the first detection of gravitational waves, and a few mass windows remain in which PBHs may still make up an appreciable part of dark matter. In a matter dominated universe, e.g. in the case of a first-order QCD phase transition, PBH production is enhanced and PBHs may have large dimensionless spins. We investigate the re-entry and collapse of superhorizon perturbations with initial dimensionless spins of $\chi^\xi_0\sim 0.1$ in this setting using full 3+1D numerical relativity simulations. We find that PBHs are formed with dimensionless spins $\chi_\textrm{PBH}$ smaller than but the same order of magnitude as $\chi^\xi_0$ and argue this suggests no PBHs with $\chi_\textrm{PBH} > 0.5$ are produced. Furthermore, we find that the addition of angular momentum only has a minor effect on the PBH mass and accretion rate. Additionally, we discuss apparent black hole horizons and cosmological horizons in the context of numerical relativity simulations of expanding spacetimes.


Eloy de Jong (King's College London)


Eugene Lim (King's College London) Josu Aurrekoetxea (University of Oxford)

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