Water Cherenkov detectors for wide-field gamma-ray astronomy, such as HAWC and LHASSO and the upcoming Southern Wide-Field Gamma-Ray Observatory (SWGO) utilize a large number of water tanks at high altitudes to directly detect the gamma-ray-produced charged particle shower via the Cherenkov radiation generated within each tank. SWGO will be the first such wide-field survey instrument to...
The HEXITEC 2×6 Instrument was developed for the National X-ray CT (NXCT) Centre’s Colour X-ray bay at the University of Manchester. A single HEXITEC ASIC is typically bonded to a 2×2cm CdZnTe, CdTe or other High-Z material and readout by the HEXITEC GigE system. However, with an increasing demand for large area high energy detectors we have employed the use of tiled arrays of 2×6 ASICs. The...
Sensors and structures of many different kinds can absorb energy through a number of spatial degrees of freedom simultaneously. For example, the ultra-low-noise detectors being developed for far-infrared space telescopes can absorb energy through typically 1-20 optical modes. An important question is how to match the amplitude and phase patterns of the incoming partially coherent field to...
This study focuses on exploring the potential of Charge Division Imaging Readout (CDIR) for MCP based resistive sea photon detectors. CDIR spreads the MCP charge footprint capacitively between readout nodes forming anode segments. Charge measurements at each node are then used to reconstruct incident photon’s position and time.
A primary objective is to investigate the minimum number of anode...
The capacitive division image readout (C-DIR) is a mechanically and electronically simple charge centroiding readout for single photon imaging detectors such as microchannel plate (MCP) detectors. It is purely capacitive in nature, and this endows it with a) very high signal bandwidth allowing MCP-limited time resolution, and b) low capacitance measurement nodes, allowing improved signal to...
Low Gain Avalanche Diode (LGAD) has high-precision time performance, and the time resolution can reach 30 ps. The LGAD with a size of 1.3 mm
× 1.3 mm was used for the upgrade of ATLAS and CMS time detectors to reduce the pile-up effect of High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC). Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP, CAS) has designed a LGAD strip detector, which can be used as a...
Recently X-ray photon counting detectors (PCDs) with energy discrimination capabilities based on pulse height analysis have been developed for medical X-ray imaging with substantially improving signal-to-noise and overall performance when compared to the conventional energy integrating detectors (EIDs) that comprising the majority of CT scanners. PCDs for medical X-ray CT require extremely...
For the planned future upgrades of several high energy physics experiments, highly performing position sensitive photodetectors are needed. In ring imaging Cherenkov counters, planned for the upgrades of LHCb and Belle II experiments, detection of single photons with position resolutions a good as 1 mm will be required, with timing resolution on the order of 100 ps and surface coverage of...
Resistive plate chamber (RPC) detectors in the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) operate with a gas mixture made of 95.2% $C_2H_2F_4$ (providing a high number of ion-electron pairs), 4.5% $iC_4H_{10}$ (ensuring the suppression of photon-feedback effects), and 0.3% $SF_6$ (used as an electron quencher to further operate the detector in streamer-free mode). $C_2H_2F_4$ is known to be a greenhouse gas...
The future development of High Energy Particle physics in the post High Luminosity LHC era could greatly benefit from a Multi-TeV muon collider, which stands as one of the most promising options. This machine would enable leptonic collisions at high center-of-mass energy, creating opportunities for a wide range of unexplored physics studies. However, designing an appropriate detection system...
We present our findings on the characterization and performance evaluation of the Timepix3 X-ray detector in conjunction with a microchannel plate (MCP) and phosphor screen at the European X-ray Free Electron Laser (EuXFEL) facility. The tests conducted on the Timepix3 detector, with a pixel size of 55 μm, have yielded promising results, demonstrating its suitability for EuXFEL applications....
The Extreme Photonics Applications Centre (EPAC) at the STFC-Rutherford Appleton Laboratory will be a new facility utilising high intensity laser plasma interactions (LPI) for the generation of ultra-short pulses of ionising radiation. LPI drive sub-picosecond sources of radiation, emitting from an interaction point in the range of 100 nm – 100 µm, allowing for high resolution X-ray imaging....
The European XFEL is a state-of-the-art research facility capable of producing both soft and hard X-rays with an unprecedented brightness, pulse duration and coherence. It delivers up to 2700 X-ray pulses with 220 ns interspacing, enabling operation at a maximum frame rate of 4.5 MHz. These unique temporal characteristics of XFEL empower scientists to conduct time-resolved experiments in...
The advanced synchrotron radiation sources are major facilities to analyze the formation and evolution of material structure for multidisciplinary researches, in terms of its high luminosity, low emittance, wide energy bandwidth and so on. Several advanced synchrotron radiation sources are under construction in China, involving the HEPS (High Energy Photon Source) and SHINE (Shanghai high...