The High Energy Particle Detector (HEPD-02) is one of the scientific payloads onboard the second China Seismo-Electromagnetic Satellite (CSES-02), one of a serie of Chinese-Italian space missions dedicated to monitoring of the near-Earth environment and to study the lithosphere-atmosphere-ionosphere coupling mechanisms.
The launch of CSES-02 is foreseen in the first half of 2024.
HEPD-02 is designed to measure particle flux and precipitation from the inner radiation belts induced by solar, terrestrial or anthropic phenomena in a wide range of energies, from 3 to 100 MeV for electrons and from 30 to 200 MeV/n for protons and light nuclei. It is composed of a high precision tracking system made of monolithic active pixel sensors (MAPS), two layers of crossed plastic scintillator bars as a trigger system and a calorimeter combining a tower of plastic scintillators and two layers of LYSO crystals. The whole is surrounded by a containment detector consisting of five plastic scintillator panels.
We present here the main characteristics of HEPD-02, with particular regard to its calorimeter, highlighting its performance to reach the expected energy range and resolution as well as its capability in electron and proton angular reconstruction.
Your name | Zouleikha Sahnoun |
Institute | University and INFN Bologna, V |
Email address | sahnoun@bo.infn.it |