Characterization of Ultra-Fast Silicon Detectors for High Energy Physics Applications

7 Sept 2023, 15:00
St Catherine's Bernard Sunley Building (Oxford)

St Catherine's Bernard Sunley Building


Poster Applications in Particle Physics Poster Session III


Fasih Zareef (AGH University of Science and Technology (PL))


Ultra-fast silicon detectors (UFSD) are a specialized type of radiation detectors based on Low Gain Avalanche Detectors (LGADs) that are designed to have extremely fast response times, typically in the range of picoseconds or even femtoseconds. The exceptional temporal resolution of UFSD enables the precise determination of the particle arrival time and helps disentangle overlapping collision events in the context of High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC). This information is crucial for accurate reconstruction of particle trajectories and identification of rare or short-lived particles.
This work presents detailed results on the study of 50 µm thin-LGADs with different doping concentrations produced by Micron Semiconductors Ltd. A temperature dependent study of the leakage current and the breakdown voltages are examined using current-voltage (IV) characteristics. Additionally, frequency dependence of the Capacitance-Voltage (CV) measurements is also presented in this work. Laser characterization of these sensors is carried out using Transient Current Technique (TCT) to study the charge collection and gain characteristics, and the comparison is made on the basis of Laser wavelength (Red – 658nm and IR – 1064 nm) and the position of illumination (top and bottom). Temperature dependent measurements of gain as a function of voltage are also presented here. We observed the influence of different doping concentration and JTE width on the gain. The collection of TCT signals within 2 ns after the sensor is fully depleted refers to the fast signal processing that offers exceptional timing performance. A detailed study of timing resolution using source measurements will be carried out in the near future.

Your name Fasih Zareef
Institute AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow (PL)
Email address


Fasih Zareef (AGH University of Science and Technology (PL))


Agnieszka Oblakowska-Mucha (AGH University of Science and Technology (PL)) Aleksandrina Docheva (University of Glasgow (GB)) Dr Dima Maneuski (University of Glasgow (GB)) Mark Bullough (Micron Semiconductors (GB)) Naomi Cooke (University of Glasgow (GB)) Neil Moffat (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC) (ES)) Dr Richard Bates (University of Glasgow (GB)) Tomasz Szumlak (AGH University of Science and Technology (PL))

Presentation materials