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Electro-optical characterisation and radiation hardness of a CMOS image sensor optimised for soft X-ray astronomy

5 Sept 2023, 10:30
St Catherine's Bernard Sunley Building (Oxford)

St Catherine's Bernard Sunley Building


Talk X-ray and Gamma Ray Detectors Applications in Astro-Particle Physics


Charles Townsend-Rose (Centre for Electronic Imaging, The Open University)


CIS221-X is a prototype CMOS image sensor, optimised for soft X-ray astronomy and developed for the proposed ESA THESEUS mission. The sensor features 40 $\mu$m pixels built on a 35 $\mu$m thick, high-resistivity epitaxial silicon that is fully depleted by reverse substrate bias. A comprehensive electro-optical characterisation of CIS221-X has been completed. When cooled to -40 °C, the image sensor reports a readout noise of 3.3 e- RMS and 12.4 $\pm$ 0.06 e-/pixel/s of dark current. Following per-pixel gain correction, an energy resolution of 126 $\pm$ 2 eV FWHM has been measured at 5.9 keV. In the 310 - 1900 eV energy range, the sensor achieves a quantum efficiency of above 80%. These results strongly support the consideration of CMOS technology for soft X-ray astronomy. To better understand how the CIS221-X would perform over the course of the THESEUS mission, it is necessary to test the radiation hardness of the image sensor. Using the ESTEC $^{60}$Co facility, the CIS221-X sensitivity to total ionising dose (TID) has been measured. At increasing dose levels, readout noise, dark current and image lag were assessed. The results show the expected deterioration of CIS221-X performance due to TID over the course of the THESEUS mission.

Your name Charles Townsend-Rose
Institute Centre for Electronic Imaging, The Open University
Email address charles.townsend-rose@open.ac.uk


Charles Townsend-Rose (Centre for Electronic Imaging, The Open University)


Prof. Andrew Holland (Centre for Electronic Imaging, The Open University) Dr James Ivory (Centre for Electronic Imaging, The Open University) Dr Konstantin Stefanov (Centre for Electronic Imaging, The Open University) Mr Oliver Hetherington (Centre for Electronic Imaging, The Open University) Dr Thomas Buggey (Centre for Electronic Imaging, The Open University)

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