UK-APP and OWAN 25 conferences


On June 2nd and 3rd 2025, King's College London will jointly host two conferences back to back: The semi-annual UK-APP conference and the OWAN 25 conference (see descriptions below). The two events are one day long each and cover different aspects of astroparticle/neutrino physics from both a theoretical and an experimental/observational point of view, which allows for an exceptional opportunity to make the two communities interact.

The two events are free to attend, with a conference dinner offered on the evening of June 2nd to accepted participants. Although participants are encouraged to attend both events, they are free to register for only one event. Limited travel funding will be available for students and early career researchers on demand upon registration.


Note that the number of speakers and participants for each event is limited. 


---------- Description ----------


UK-APP: Astroparticle phenomenology plays a crucial role in particle physics, as it allows to connect microscopic theories of nature with cosmological and experimental data, enlarging the scope of many next-generation observatories. Inspired by the success of the DM-UK (dark matter experimental searches), Cosmo UK (cosmology), or UK-QFT (formal quantum field theory) conferences, this series will take place semi-annually across various UK universities, with each event lasting one day. 

Funded by the IoP Astroparticle Physics (APP) group, this conference series provides a platform for early career researchers to gain visibility and for the UK astroparticle physics community–broadly defined (beyond Standard Model and early universe phenomenology, cosmic ray searches, gravitational waves, etc)–to gather regularly, share insights, and foster collaborations. 


OWAN 25: Cosmic particles bombarding the Earth’s atmosphere provide a constant source of neutrinos. In the past, the study of these atmospheric neutrinos led to the celebrated discovery of neutrino oscillation; today, it allows us to understand their fundamental properties and their impact as a background for rare-event searches better than ever. Atmospheric neutrino observations in future flagship observatories like ANITA, DUNE, Hyper-Kamiokande, IceCube, JUNO, P-ONE, and SNO+ offer incredible opportunities to explore physics beyond the Standard Model of particle physics. 

Thanks to a Joint Research Award funded by King's College London and Université Paris Cité, this one-day event aims to review the status of present-day atmospheric neutrino measurements and to identify possible unexplored opportunities in future experiments. 


Registration for UK-APP & OWAN 25 conferences
  • Anne Green
  • Chiara Coviello
  • Clelia Altomonte
  • David Marsh
  • Lucien Heurtier
  • matteo sergola
  • Mudit Jain
  • +2
    • Registration and Breakfast
    • UK-APP
    • Coffee Break
    • UK-APP
    • Lunch
    • UK-APP
    • Coffee Break
    • UK-APP
    • Reception
    • Conference Dinner
    • Registration and Breakfast
    • OWAN 25
    • Coffee Break
    • OWAN 25
    • Lunch
    • OWAN 25
    • Coffee Break
    • OWAN 25
    • Reception