Title: Opportunities for measuring spin correlations of bottom and charm quark pairs at the LHC
Spin correlations have been studied in detail for top quarks at the LHC, but have not yet been explored for the other flavors of quarks. Utilizing the partial preservation of the quark spin information in baryons in the jet produced by the quark, we present possible analysis strategies for ATLAS and CMS to measure the spin correlations in bbbar and ccbar samples. We find that some measurements are feasible with existing datasets while others will become possible at the HL-LHC. The proposed measurements can provide new information on the polarization transfer from quarks to baryons and might even be sensitive to physics beyond the Standard Model.
Title: Strong Gravity Frontier of Particle Physics
In the vicinity of black holes, particle density can significantly increase, acting as efficient transducers. This is evident in the superradiant generation of ultralight bosons, which can attain Planck-scale field values. Within this dense boson environment, we witness the occurrence of non-perturbative particle production—a phenomenon previously associated primarily with the early-universe cosmology. Additionally, particle dark matter can accumulate outside black holes forming spike structures. This talk will explore their impact on various observational channels associated with black holes, such as the Event Horizon Telescope and high-energy neutrino observations.