The annual Open Young Scientists' Conference on Astronomy and Space Physics aims to allow young scientists to communicate and present their scientific work. The young scientist is a bachelor/master / Ph.D. student and young researchers who are involved in research in one of the following fields:
- Atmospheric studies and space geophysics
- Solar physics and heliosphere
- Solar System & extrasolar planets
- Stellar astrophysics and interstellar medium
- Extragalactic astrophysics and cosmology
- High energy astrophysics
- Data collection and analysis
- Positional astronomy
This website is a duplicate of the main conference site at to ensure uninterrupted access to information. The main website may experience downtime due to frequent power outages at the server caused by the ongoing Russian invasion. We are committed to keeping this site updated and operational in case of extended downtime. Thank you for your understanding.
Working language: English
During the Conference, each young participant should present an oral talk(12 minutes) or a short talk (with a short presentation of about 5 minutes). Besides students' reports, invited lectures are planned.
not opened yet