Multi-wavelength study of outbursting cataclysmic variable star CRTS J033349.8-282244 in the LADUMA field using MeerKAT and MeerLICHT

24 Apr 2023, 18:35



Ms Sumari Barocci-Faul (University of Cape Town, Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa)


I will report on the optical-radio study of outbursting cataclysmic variable star CRTS J033349.8-282244 in the LADUMA field. The source has extensively been observed with multiple facilities. I will present the results from observations of CRTS J033349.8-282244 done with MeerLICHT, MeerKAT and SAAO telescopes throughout outbursts, super-outbursts and during quiescence. The LADUMA field is frequently observed by the MeerKAT radio array as well as MeerLICHT, which observes the field in multiple filters. This resulted in a unique dataset to study the colour evolution of CRTS J033349.8-282244 as a function of outburst phase across its many dwarf nova outbursts.


Ms Sumari Barocci-Faul (University of Cape Town, Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa)

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