Non-relativistic: Contributed Talk (Chair: ...)
- Juan Miguel Nieto García
Non-relativistic: Contributed Talk (Chair: ...)
- Ziqi Yan (Nordita)
Non-relativistic: Contributed Talk (Chair: ...)
- Chris Blair
Non-relativistic: Contributed Talk (Chair: ...)
- Jørgen Sandøe Musaeus (University of Edinburgh)
Integrability and holography have played a huge role in understanding string theory in AdS$_5 \times$S$^5$, so it is worth studying if they survive in the non-relativistic string theory. In this talk, I will show that the Maldacena's construction of the AdS$_5$/CFT$_4$ correspondence survives the limit process, giving us a duality between NR string theory in SNC AdS$_5 \times$S$^5$ and...
I will talk about two classes of nonrelativistic sigma models and their roles in M-theory and matrix theory. I will start with the quantum critical supermembrane and its quantization, which is described by a renormalizable three-dimensional sigma model at a z=2 Lifshitz point. This model provides a natural candidate high-energy completion of the supermembrane in M-theory, where the latter is...
I can give one of two talks.
In one, I can discuss the surprising structure of non-relativistic 11-dimensional supergravity, based on
In the other, I can explain a surprising link between decoupling limits leading to non-Lorentzian corners of string theory and the TTbar deformation. The latter in its original incarnation is a deformation of 2d field...
In this talk, I will show how we used the covariant $1/c$-expansion to construct a framework for post-Newtonian gravity that is valid in any gauge with a Newtonian regime. This is not true for every gauge as Newtonian gravity itself is a gauge fixed version of Newton-Cartan gravity. Thus, we fix the leading order gauge choice but keep full gauge freedom at all subleading orders in this...