29 April 2025 to 1 May 2025
Hamilton Mathematics Institute, Trinity College Dublin
Europe/Dublin timezone

From a covariant Maxwell-like theory to fractons: a new approach

30 Apr 2025, 16:00
Salmon Lecture Theatre

Salmon Lecture Theatre

Theme 2: Carroll session Carroll: Contributed Talk (Chair: ...)


Dr Erica Bertolini (Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies)


The concept of fracton quasiparticle has recently emerged in many areas of physics, from mathematical physics to condensed matter and quantum information, unified by the general feature of restricted mobility.

In this talk I will show that the fracton phenomenology of Pretko's original papers [1604.05329,1606.08857] can be reproduced from first principles of QFT through a symmetry-based approach. A strong relation with Linearized Gravity naturally emerges, interesting boundary effects can be observed, and a generalized "self-duality" can be implemented. These results open the doors to the study of a new class of covariant gauge field theories.


Dr Erica Bertolini (Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies)

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