Carrollian holography proposes that gravity in four-dimensional (4d) asymptotically flat spacetime is dual to a 3d Carrollian CFT living at null infinity. In this talk, I will review this framework and explain how massless amplitudes in flat space can be re-expressed as Carrollian CFT correlators at the boundary, referred to as Carrollian amplitudes. I will show that these correlators naturally emerge from the Carrollian limit of holographic CFT correlators computed via AdS Witten diagrams, establishing a correspondence between the flat limit in the bulk and the Carrollian limit at the boundary. As a concrete application, I will implement the flat/Carrollian limit of the duality between 11d supergravity on $AdS_4\times S_7$ and 3d $\mathcal{N}=8$ ABJM theory, extracting supergravity amplitudes in flat space.
Based on arXiv:2406.19343 and work in preparation with A. Y. Srikant and A. Lipstein.