Evidence for the scalar glueball is reported. The evidence stems from an analysis of BESIII data on radiative J/ψ data into π0π0, KSKS, ηη, and φω. The coupled-channel analysis is constrained by a large number of further data. The data are described by ten scalar isoscalar mesons, covering the range from f0(500) to f0(2330). Five resonances are interpreted as mainly-singlet states in SU(3), five as mainly-octet states. The mainly-singlet resonances are produced over the full mass range, the production of octet state is limited to the 1500 to 2100 MeV mass range. The peak is interpreted as scalar glueball. Its mass, width and yield are determined to M(glueball)= (1865±25) MeV, Γ(glueball)= (370±50+30−20) MeV, Y(J/ψ→γG0)=(5.8±1.0)·10^(−31)