Nuria Rius
(Valencia University)
02/12/2022, 10:00
I will discuss recent work about the possibility of Dark Matter interacting only gravitationally in extra dimensional scenarios.
Malcolm Fairbairn
(Physics, King's College London)
02/12/2022, 11:25
We consider axion stars which may explode at early times, changing the ionisation history of the Universe. We will explain the concept, the calculation and the constraints on parameter space.
Alexander C Jenkins
(University College London)
02/12/2022, 12:05
Next-generation gravitational-wave (GW) observatories will provide exquisite measurements of the merger rate of high-redshift binary black holes (BBHs), detecting many thousands of these systems every year. The abundance of these binaries is a direct tracer of the early stages of star formation, and therefore of cosmic structure formation. This opens the possibility of using GW observations to...