The quantum state of the flat Ashtekar-Barbero connection is quite well defined in Loop Quantum Gravity theory as an element of the dual space to cylindrical functions. This state is not pathological at all, as Jorge Pullin noticed many years ago, and it can be treated as vacuum. From Pullin's vacuum, other states can be generated using LQG operators. It is easy to construct from them partial...
The problem of obtaining and interpreting solutions to the quantum Hamilton constraint of LQG is a long-standing and difficult one. We approach this problem with novel numerical methods which leverage the power of neural networks, therefore taking the first step in applying deep learning methods in LQG.
We present the basic idea of parameterizing quantum states with a neural network, and...
Despite common assumptions that canonical and covariant hamiltonian methods yield equivalent physical theories, we revisit the issue and show that, after properly identifying what one might mean by equivalence, there are instances in which these two methods are indeed inequivalent when boundaries are present.
The asymptotic safety (ASQG) and canonical (CQG) approach to quantum gravity have been developed to a large extent independent of each other. In this work we take first steps to bringing them into closer contact by working with the Lorentzian version of the functional renormalisation group of ASQG which we relate to the reduced phase space formulation of CQG.
We explore the modifications to the fundamental geometric variables due to the inclusion of fermions and the resulting gravitational dynamics. Finally we speculate on how to proceed with the quantization of the system.
The investigation of boundary charges in asymptotically flat spacetime draw a lot of attention recent years, which has provided us valuable insight and significantly enhanced our general understanding of gravity. However, most of previous studies along this line are based on the traditional general relativity, which is a pure constraint theory in the bulk. The boundary charges based on the...
In this talk I will present a framework which allows to construct effective LTB models starting from a polymerized spherical symmetric model. Then I will focus on dust collapses and show how these results can be related via coordinate transformations to other models in the literature. At last I want to analyze polymerized vacua and explore the formulation of a Birkhoff like theorem as well as...
We want to explore suitable boundary conditions for the asymptotically flat scenario of general relativity presented in terms of Ashtekar-Barbero variables. While the standard parity conditions have been already extensively studied, it turns out that they fail to produce non-trivial supertranslations at spatial infinity. We propose new parity conditions for the Ashtekar-Barbero variables that...