May 6 – 10, 2024
US/Eastern timezone

Post-Newtonian gravitational waves with cosmological constant derived from Einstein-Hilbert action

May 7, 2024, 5:45 PM
FAU FTL Room 312

FAU FTL Room 312

Cosmology, Black Holes, and other applications/phenomenology Cosmology


Ricardo Escobedo (Universidad de Guadalajara)


We explain the analysis of the compact binary system dynamics in the Post-Newtonian approach adding the cosmological constant $\Lambda$ at the first Post-Newtonian (PN) order from the Einstein-Hilbert action. Considering small values of $\Lambda$ we find that it plays the role of a PN factor, and we us this feature to compute the Lagrangian of a binary compact system at the center of mass frame at 1PN order, as well as the phase function $\phi(t)$ and the polarizations $h_{+}$ and $h_{\times}$. We observe changes due to $\Lambda$ only at very low constant frequencies and in certain particular values, we find that the amplitudes of the polarizations are canceled at Newtonian order (0PN).

This talk is based in Phys. Rev. D 109, 064051 (2024).


Ricardo Escobedo (Universidad de Guadalajara)


Dr Claudia Moreno (Universidad de Guadalajara) Dr Rafael Hernández-Jiménez (Universidad de Guadalajara)

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