Considerable attention has been paid to the study of the quantum geometry of nonrotating black holes within the framework of Loop Quantum Cosmology. This interest has been reinvigorated since the introduction of a novel effective model by Ashtekar, Olmedo, and Singh. Despite recent advances in its foundation, there are certain questions about its quantization that still remain open. Here we complete this quantization taking as starting point an extended phase space formalism suggested by several authors, including the proposers of the model. Adopting a prescription that has proven successful in Loop Quantum Cosmology, we construct an operator representation of the Hamiltonian constraint. By searching for solutions to this constraint operator in a sufficiently large set of dual states, we show that it can be solved for a continuous range of the black hole mass. This fact seems in favour of a conventional classical limit (at least for large masses) and contrasts with recent works that advocate a discrete spectrum. We present an algorithm that determines the solutions in closed form. To build the corresponding physical Hilbert space and conclude the quantization, we carry out an asymptotic analysis of those solutions, which allows us to introduce a suitable inner product on them.