May 6 – 10, 2024
US/Eastern timezone

Generative Flow Networks in Spin Foam Cosmology

May 6, 2024, 4:30 PM
FAU FTL Room 312

FAU FTL Room 312

Quantum Gravity: Computations Covariant LQG


Athanasios Kogios (Perimeter Institute/University of Waterloo)


Spin foams arose as the covariant (path integral) formulation of quantum gravity depicting transition amplitudes between different quantum geometry states. Though a lot of progress has been made in defining the underlying mathematics, actually calculating the corresponding amplitudes is still a challenging topic, especially for more complicated, thus more physically-relevant cases. Following recent advances, where stochastic algorithms (Markov Chain Monte Carlo-MCMC) were used, we employ "Generative Flow Networks", a newly developed machine learning algorithm to compute the expectation value of the dihedral angle for a $4$-simplex and compare the results with previous works.


Athanasios Kogios (Perimeter Institute/University of Waterloo) Mr Jared Wogan Dr Joseph Bunao Dr Pietropaolo Frisoni

Presentation materials