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The 3rd Sydney Spring School on Particle Physics and Cosmology will be held between 30th November - 2nd December directly before The Dark Side of the Universe Conference 2022. The event is hosted by the Sydney Consortium for Particle Physics and Cosmology (Sydney CPPC) and held at The University of Sydney. The lectures will also be broadcast via Zoom for hybrid participation in case of positive COVID cases or other issues.
The school is aimed at graduate students and young postdocs. The following topics will be covered:
1. Cosmology
2. Dark matter
3. Particle physics anomalies
4. Neutrino astrophysics
Confirmed lecturers: Jenni Adams, Pippa Cole, Will DeRocco, Ulrik Egede, Theresa Fruth, Yann Mambrini, Yevgeny Stadnik
Participation in the school is free, but registration is required for catering purposes.
The school will be held in seminar room Room 3001 in the Sydney Nanoscience Hub on the main Camperdown campus: see here for instructions. The room is directly on your right when you walk up the main steps of the building.
On-site Wifi information (in case Eduroam does not work):
Username: Spring School
Passcode: 59093234
Zoom link: https://uni-sydney.zoom.us/j/610935631