9:00 AM
Searching for charged lepton flavour violation at colliders
Michael Schmidt
(UNSW Sydney)
9:20 AM
Search for new physics using electroweak penguin decays of b-hadrons
Ulrik Egede
(Monash University (AU))
9:40 AM
Anatomy of a six-parameter fit to the b to s l+ l- anomalies
Ursula Laa
(Monash University)
10:00 AM
Hadron Collider Sensitivity to Fat Flavourful Z′s for RK(∗)
Matthew Dolan
(University of Melbourne)
10:20 AM
CP Violation measurements at Belle II
Martin Sevior
(University of Melbourne (AU))
11:00 AM
From HEP to Particle Therapy
Anatoly Rozenfeld
(University of Wollongong)
11:20 AM
Topological avatars of the Standard Model
Archil Kobakhidze
(The University of Sydney)
11:40 AM
Optimising ATLAS searches for supersymmetry
Martin John White
(University of Adelaide (AU))
12:00 PM
CMOS electronic R&Ds for accelerator particle physics
Seyed Ruhollah Shojaii
(University of Melbourne (AU))
12:20 PM
Research Activities in Accelerator Physics
Rohan Dowd
(Australian Synchrotron - ANSTO)