Technical Group Meeting

    • 11:00 11:20
      Discussion of the FPF7 workshop 20m

      After dicussion with PBC convener's a shape is emerging for the document to be submitted to them. 

      The document will focus on the civil engineering scientific requirements and experimental integration. Evidence has to be provided to show that sufficient integration work has been done to display feasibility of the enterprise. 

      Some additional comments will need discussion and resolution:

      (1)  be careful about increasing the size of the cavern, as even though this is a fairly small increase in cost, it could look like the cost is increasing and could continue to increase indefinitely. On this:

      • we need to justify why the size needs to be increase
      •  we give the impression that we have done a serious optimisation to come up with the current baseline. Baseline shoudl be interpreted as a reference design. 


      (2)  It Is important that what is presented in this document should be considered as a baseline and although it may change, we should really sell it as a frozen design for now, not as something that is evolving. 

      (3) Attempt to sell the FPF as a global experiment rather than several small experiments in the facility. This is a comment that has come up several times. Recently discussed by FASER2 people is the fact that, since FLArE and FASERnu2 results will use the FASER2 spectrometer we need to have some joint collaboration between those experiments. 

      ** How do we sell this to the US agencies who are following P5 who assigned  FPF experiments to ASTAE ? 

      ** How can we sell this to CERN as a single experiment, but to the US as separate small experiments ? 

      ** How does this interact with the ECN+SHIP decision ? 



    • 11:20 11:40
      Path forward for FLArE/FPF 20m
      There are a number of events on the horizon: 
      0) PBC meeting March 25-27.   Let's forward the link to the meeting to this group. 
      1) Meetings at CERN regarding future cooperation between BNL/CERN etc.  May 8-10.  Main agenda will be DUNE and FCC.  I have requested FPF to be part of this agenda. 
      2) At the same time there will be a HEPAP meeting, which I will attend. This will be an opportunity to interact with the DOE leadership.  
      3)  The preparation of the PBC report focused on physics and  the facility.  June. 
       This document will focus on the facility itself and  the integration of the experiments.  It will not have detailed desctition of each experiment. 
      4) Preparation of the technical reports on the experiments.  June-July.   For FLARE, we shoudl complete two additional documents.
      i. Simulation document.  This is far along.
      ii. A technical design document with options on crystat, readout, etc. 
      This This
      5) Meeting of the so called DPF/PHENO panel on the small experiments in the US.  Jonathan is on this panel.
      6) And finally the revealing for the   ECN+ SHIP decision.  What resources will be put into this decision ? SHIP on paper is 70MCHF not including infrastructure.
      7) LOI for FPF + Experiments January 2025 
      a) Physics 
      b) technical coordination, evidence of feasibility 
      c) collaboration definition. 
    • 11:40 12:00
      Technical documentation 20m

      Current simulations document is in draft mode. 

      June/July is possible for final document. 

      Matteo is working on updating some of the momentum measuring algorithms.  There is coordination with Olivier.

      Steven Linden will plan on a parallel document regarding detector design.