- Indico style
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- Indico Weeks View
We are pleased to announce the fourth NewCompStar school, following the 2014 (Barcelona), 2015 (Bucharest) and 2016 (Lisbon) editions. The NewCompStar school 2017 will focus on neutron stars' theory and observations, and gravitational waves emission.
As a concluding NewCompStar school, the school is focused on a broader area, instead of choosing a particular topic. The topics include numerical relativity, relativistic hydrodynamics, neutron star binaries, neutron star oscillations, hadronic matter and high density equation of state, pulsar timing and gamma ray burst observations. Part of the lectures will focus not only on general relativity, but also on alternative theories of gravity.
The school will be scheduled as follows – up to four 1.5h lectures per day with two coffee breaks and a lunch, one excursion (sightseeing) in the afternoon, and one poster session.
Registration: Registration will be opened until August 1st.
Financial support: Applications for financial support should be made not later than June 15th. In order to apply, students are requested to provide a CV. The request for financial support should be sent at newcompstar2017@gmail.com with subject "Financial support request".
Participation fee: There is a participation fee of 200 EUR.
Poster Session
The participating students may present their work during a poster session. The session is planned for TBA. The students who intend to participate with a poster should submit an abstract.
Local organising committee:
There are many hotels in the city center in close vicinity to the Sofia University main building. In addition, there is a metro station in front of the building and multiple bus stops, which provide an easy access from different parts of the city.
All financially supported students will be accommodated in convenient hotels with an easy access to the university. Additional details will be announced soon.
There is a canteen in the university building. However, the school year in the Sofia University starts at October 1st, therefore the food selection will be limited.
There are multiple restaurants in close vicinity to the main building of the university. Please check (and zoom) the map. Be aware that this is not a student area, but the city center, so the price for a meal may vary noticeably from place to place.
This school is co-oraganised by the COST action MP1304 NewCompStar (Exploring fundamental physics with compact stars ) and the University of Sofia.