20–22 Sept 2022
Cairo University
Africa/Cairo timezone

Imprints of Mini Primordial Black Holes in Cosmological Data

21 Sept 2022, 14:00
FCAI seminar room (Online) (Cairo University)

FCAI seminar room (Online)

Cairo University


Lucien Heurtier (IPPP, Durham, England)


I will present recent developments regarding the effect of the primordial black hole evaporation on the cosmological evolution of the Universe, the relic density of dark matter, and the abundance of dark radiation measurable in the CMB spectrum. As we will see, extended distributions of primordial black holes evaporating in the early Universe may leave traces that will be measurable by various cosmological observatories or dark particle searches.


Lucien Heurtier (IPPP, Durham, England)

Presentation materials