20–22 Sept 2022
Cairo University
Africa/Cairo timezone

Black holes in Teleparallel gravity

20 Sept 2022, 14:00
FCAI seminar room (Online) (Cairo University)

FCAI seminar room (Online)

Cairo University


Christian Pfeifer (University of Bremen, Germany)


In this talk I will give a brief introduction to teleparallel gravity and discuss ordinary and scalarised black hole solutions in f(T)-gravity. The later being the teleparallel analogue of f(R)-gravity. It turns out that the theory posses interesting generalisations of Schwarzschild geometry as solutions as well as scalarized black holes. A particular focus will be Born-Infeld f(T)-gravity, since in this theory a non-perturbative genralisation of Schwarzschild geometry has been found.


Christian Pfeifer (University of Bremen, Germany)

Presentation materials