we will follow all issues on gitlab (targets and deadlines);
people need to have an Indico account to upload material to the agenda - please act
please create a branch with your name for your working version and request merge when OK.
next meeting will be on Thursday Oct. 6th 15:20 - 16:20 due to conflicts
Moving to Gitlab Ultimate (ed. License). Invitations will be sent and development will switch to this instance
TCAD Simulation (R. Buhler):
Success opening TCAD geometry for AC-LGAD example sent by Taylor (UCSC)
Problems reported running the field simulation
M. Leite sent email to Taylor @UCSC putting R. Buhler and R. Giacomini in contact for debugging this issue
Geant4 Simulation (M. Moralles):
Geant4 v. 11.x is working (see figure attached)
First example running on GDML geometry based on Taylor AC-LGAD TCAD files information - we need to verify the consistency
Using a non-optimized physics process for fotons @ keV energy range. M. Moralles will switch to this new process as next step
Data will be saved as a root file . Proposed format for each event is (x,y,z,Q,process). This can be changed or converted to anything to be passed to TCAD
First simulations will use monochromatic beam : 1keV to 30 keV in steps of 1 keV
Beam will have no divergence for now
Beam to enter from strip side
World volume material is air. This may need to change for low energy X-Rays (vacuum) .
Low priority: Review GDML to include loop structures and replications (this is only supported in Geant, so it needs a working example to debug)
Action Items (for next meeting on Oct. 6th). These will be issues on Gitlab and we will follow the discussion there .
TCAD Simulation (R. :
Solve the TCAD simulation issue for electrical field with Taylor's help (R. Buhler)
Extract E field for AC-LGAD baseline example on gitlab (R. Buhler)
Validate simulation against Taylor's results.(R. Buhler)
Aiming to present and discuss the results on next meeting (providing the issue is solved) (R. Buhler)
Geant4 Simulation :
Update the physics model for low energy photons (keV) (M. Moralles)
Save the data as Root format for first evaluation (see above) (M. Moralles)
Read the Root file, provide comments and extract information (M. Leite, M. Moralles)
Provide registration in Indico as external user (for those without CERN account)
M. Leite, 29/09/2022
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Introduction, issues and tasks from GitLab project10m
All, Marco Lisboa Leite(Universidade de Sao Paulo (BR))