Symmetries and Interactions: QCD
- Lorenz Willmann
Symmetries and Interactions: QED
- Eberhard Widmann (Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))
Symmetries and Interactions: Neutrinos
- Livia Ludhova
Symmetries and Interactions: Magnetic moments
- Hirohiko Shimizu (Nagoya University)
Chiral symmetry, linked to the smallness of the quark masses compared to the QCD bound states, and its breaking pattern are exploited in effective field theory to describe a multitude of phenomena by a few low-energy constants. Those concern light-meson dynamics and decays, their couplings to photons and meson-nucleon interactions. Special emphasis is given to the pion properties, in terms of...
Experiments with single ions confined in a Penning trap enable access to a broad range of observables that are of fundamental importance for our understanding of fundamental physics. In the magnetic field of the trap, the cyclotron frequency of an ion can be determined with unique precision and gives direct access to the charge-to-mass ratio. Furthermore, we have access to the gyromagnetic...
Being purely leptonic, i.e. made of constituents which have (to the best of our knowledge) no internal structure, Muonium (M) is an excellent candidate to probe b-QED. I will present our recent measurement of the n=2 M Lamb Shift of 1047.2(2.5) MHz, which comprises an order of magnitud improvement upon the last determinations and matches with theory within one sigma. This allows us to set...
The KATRIN experiment is designed to measure the mass of the electron anti-neutrino by investigating the energetic endpoint of the tritium spectrum. KATRIN recently release it’s latest results and is the rst direct experiment to report a sub-eV neutrino mass limit. As a complementary result, KATRIN also reported its rst limits for eV-scale sterile neutrinos.
The TRISTAN (TRitium...
The ATLAS experiment has measured the 𝜏-lepton pair production in ultraperipheral lead–lead
collisions, Pb+Pb Pb(𝛾 𝜏𝜏)Pb. From this measurement, constraints on the 𝜏-lepton anomalous magnetic moment, 𝑎𝜏, have been extracted. The used dataset corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 1.44 nb-1` of LHC Pb+Pb collisions at 𝑠NN = 5.02 TeV recorded by the ATLAS experiment in 2018. Selected...