Pixel simulation mini-workshop

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Allegaten 55, Dept. of physics and technology, University of Bergen
Bjarne Stugu (University of Bergen)
The primary goal is to end up with realistic simulations of 3D sensors Vidyo: http://vidyoportal.cern.ch/flex.html?roomdirect.html&key=PeTllw5ZAp21 Pin 3281
    • 10:15 AM 10:20 AM
      Welcome 5m
      Speaker: Bjarne Stugu
    • 10:20 AM 11:00 AM
      Toward a 3D measurement of Charge Collection Efficiency 40m
      Speaker: Mr Munir Yassin (University of Oslo)
    • 11:00 AM 11:20 AM
      The TB analysis software in Bergen 20m

      A description of the analysis framework put in place to analyse tbmon n-tuples and allpix simulation data in Bergen

      Speaker: Bjarne Stugu (University of Bergen (NO))
    • 11:20 AM 12:00 PM
      Some testbeam studies of Sintef 3D sensors 40m
      Speakers: Mr Andreas Heggelund, Prof. Bjarne Stugu, Zongchang Yang (University of Bergen (NO))
    • 12:00 PM 1:00 PM
      Lunch 1h
    • 1:00 PM 1:40 PM
      Introduction to the Allpix simulation framework 40m
      Speaker: Mathieu Benoit (UNIGE)
    • 1:40 PM 2:20 PM
      Experience with Allpix, and some simulation results 40m
      Speaker: Mr Andreas Heggelund (University of Bergen)
    • 2:20 PM 2:40 PM
      Coffee 20m
    • 2:40 PM 4:40 PM
      Allpix tutorial 2h
      Speaker: Mathieu Benoit (UNIGE)
    • 9:00 AM 11:00 AM
      Working session: Including field maps in Allpix simulation