
Invited Plenary Session

6 Sept 2021, 09:15


Invited Plenary Session: ENRIQUE GAZTAÑAGA: “The Black Hole Universe, or the illusion of the Big Bang"

  • Mariusz Dabrowski (University of Szczecin)

Invited Plenary Session: JUTTA KUNZ: “Compact Objects in Alternative Gravities”

  • Mariusz Dabrowski (University of Szczecin)

Invited Plenary Session: MARTIN KUNZ “Testing gravity and constraining dark energy with Euclid"

  • Vincenzo Salzano (University of Szczecin)

Invited Plenary Session: JOHN K. WEBB “Varying fine structure constant - Latest developments"

  • Vincenzo Salzano (University of Szczecin)

Invited Plenary Session: IVETTE FUENTES “Quantum Frequency Interferometry: with applications ranging from gravitational wave detection to dark matter searches”

  • Vincenzo Salzano (University of Szczecin)

Invited Plenary Session: NIAYESH AFSHORDI “Mystery Noise in Gravitational Wave Detectors, as a probe of Fundamental Physics"

  • Vincenzo Salzano (University of Szczecin)

Invited Plenary Session: ELEONORA DI VALENTINO: “Cosmological Tensions: hints for a new concordance model?”

  • Agnieszka Pollo

Invited Plenary Session: NICOLAS YUNES “Probing Fundamental Physics in Extreme Gravity with Gravitational Waves”

  • Andrzej Krolak (Polish Academy of Sciences)

Invited Plenary Session: ANNA POLLMANN: “Physics beyond the Standard Model with IceCube"

  • Emmanuel N. Saridakis (National Observatory of Athens / University of Science and Technology of China)

Invited Plenary Session: ROBERTO EMPARAN: “Aspects of traversable wormholes”

  • Emmanuel N. Saridakis (National Observatory of Athens / University of Science and Technology of China)

Invited Plenary Session: PAUL C. W. DAVIES: “The gravitational entropy of the Universe"

  • Marek Rogatko (Maria Curie Sklodowska University)

Invited Plenary Session: ALEXEI A. STAROBINSKY: “Generating peaks in primordial perturbation power spectra"

  • Agnieszka Pollo

Invited Plenary Session: LAVINIA HEISENBERG: “Roadmap of gravity”

  • Mariusz Dabrowski (University of Szczecin)

Invited Plenary Session: FABIO SCARDIGLI: “Generalized uncertainty principle, deformation parameter, and Lorentz symmetry violation”

  • Emmanuel N. Saridakis (National Observatory of Athens / University of Science and Technology of China)

Invited Plenary Session: ASTRID EICHHORN: “Asymptotic safety - a new symmetry principle for quantum spacetime and (dark) matter"

  • Agnieszka Pollo

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