The 3+1 Formalism in the Geometric Trinity of Gravity

6 Sept 2021, 17:50
Talk/seminar Regular Sessions


Mr Andrew Finch (University of Malta)


Both a metric and a tetrad $3+1$ formulation for a general affine connection is developed while also assuming nonmetricity. By splitting the space-time metric and tetrad into their spatial and temporal parts as well as through finding the Gauss-like equations for any tensor through which gravity is expressed, a general foundation for the formalisms is set up. Based on this foundation the resulting general $3$-tetrad and $3$-metric evolution equations are derived. Finally, through the choice of the two respective connections, the metric $3+1$ formulation for General Relativity is reaffirmed and the tetrad 3+1 formulation of the Teleparallel Equivalent of General Relativity and the metric 3+1 formulation of Symmetric Teleparallel Gravity with the coincident gauge are derived up to the latest state of the research.


Mr Andrew Finch (University of Malta)


Dr Jackson Levi Said (University of Malta) Prof. Salvatore Capozziello (INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics) Dr Alessio Magro (ISSA University of Malta)

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