Affine gravitational scenario for dark-matter decays

9 Sept 2021, 16:50
Talk/seminar Regular Sessions


Dr Adil Jueid (Konkuk University)


I discuss in this talk a new formulation of dark-matter (DM) coupling to gravity. Unlike the Standard Model (SM) sector which couples to the metric, DM couples to the spacetime affine connection through a $Z_2$-symmetry breaking term. I will show that such a structure allows DM to be only scalar particles (unlike the other alternative gravities). I discuss the different decay modes of DM in this framework, and comment on bounds from observational data. Furthermore, I will discuss the possible signatures at present and future colliders with an emphasis on light DM masses, i.e. $m_\phi \simeq \mathcal{O}(10)~{\rm GeV}$.


Dr Adil Jueid (Konkuk University)


Dr Hemza Azri (United Emirates University) Dr Canan Karahan (Istanbul Technical University) Prof. Salah Nasri (United Emirates University)

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