On the Viability of Chameleon Gravity in Galaxy Clusters and Cosmic Voids

10 Sept 2021, 15:10
Talk/seminar Regular Sessions


Andrius Tamosiunas (University of Nottingham)


In this talk I will review the recent results of a numerical study of chameleon gravity in the context of galaxy clusters and cosmic voids. In this study we solved the chameleon field equation for NFW halos and cosmic void density profiles for the currently observationally viable chameleon models. The obtained results shine light on the non-trivial relationship between the NFW halo parameters and the chameleon acceleration and have important implications for the future observational searches for the fifth force.


Andrius Tamosiunas (University of Nottingham)


Mr Chad Briddon (University of Nottingham) Prof. Clare Burrage (University of Nottingham) Dr Adam Moss (University of Nottingham) Dr Weiguang Cui (University of Edinburgh)

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