Covariant effective actions for bouncing cosmology in fourth-order gravity

10 Sept 2021, 13:10
Talk/seminar Regular Sessions


Dr Daniele Vernieri (University of Naples "Federico II")


Cyclic universes with bouncing solutions are candidates for solving the big bang initial singularity problem. Here I will look for bouncing solutions in the context of modified theories of gravity whose field equations contain up to fourth-order derivatives of the metric tensor. In finding such bouncing solutions I will resort to an order reduction technique that reduces the order of the differential equations of the theory to second-order and thus enables one to find solutions which are perturbatively close to general relativity. I will also build the covariant effective actions of the resulting order reduced theories.
Based on: arXiv:1904.00260, arXiv:1907.11732, arXiv:2107.07777.


Dr Daniele Vernieri (University of Naples "Federico II")

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