July 9, 2020 to January 31, 2025
Europe/Zurich timezone

Dissipative Inflation via Scalar Production

Jul 25, 2023, 3:00 PM
1h 20m


Borna Salehian


We describe a new mechanism that gives rise to dissipation during cosmic inflation. In the simplest implementation, the mechanism requires the presence of a massive scalar field with a softly-broken global U(1) symmetry, along with the inflaton field. Particle production in this scenario takes place on parametrically sub-horizon scales. Consequently, the backreaction of the produced particles on the inflationary dynamics can be treated in a local manner, allowing us to compute their effects analytically. We determine the parametric dependence of the power spectrum which deviates from the usual slow-roll expression. Non-Gaussianities are always sizeable whenever perturbations are generated by the noise induced by dissipation.

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