July 9, 2020 to January 31, 2025
Europe/Zurich timezone

Towards a Dark Sector Model from String Theory

Jul 19, 2022, 3:00 PM
1h 20m


Heliudson Bernardo (McGill U.)


I will describe a proposal for a unified dark sector model in heterotic string theory with the following features: The model-independent axion descending from the Kalb-Ramond 2-form field is identified with the dark-matter field, and the real part of a Kahler modulus field associated with the radius of one of the extra spatial dimension accounts for dark energy. The expectation value of the dilaton field is stabilized by a gaugino condensation mechanism. A dark-energy potential corresponding to a realistic low-energy scale results from some gentle tuning of the stabilized expectation value of the dilaton.

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